Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Razing Arizona

The purpose of this blog is not to reveal the deep inner thoughts Rebecca and I consider as we move along through this beautiful land and encounter its intriguing people. Rather, we are going to try to keep it a bit on the surface as a mere means of keeping those of you interested in what we are doing (because we are pretty surface people whose head's hurt when things get deep). So, please, do not worry that this will be the typical emo, pour-your-heart-out-in-skinny-jeans blog.

Ok. That was the disclaimer, now on to business.

Being on the road we had few real opportunities to use the internet, so I could not update what has been going happening. Thus there is about 1,000 miles to cover.

Arriving in Arizona we were stunned. Following the relative boredom of Texas and New Mexico, Arizona was a geologically beautiful change. The moment you cross the border into Arizona you are welcomed by immense red walls of rock on both sides of the highway. Upon entering this amazing state we realized just how much there is to discover here. We will definitely be coming back. However, while we were passing through we stopped in at the Painted Desert National Park where we were amazed by the petrified 'forests' and blue mesas.

We stayed the night in Sunset Crater State Park. It was one of the best, if not the best park in which either of us has ever camped . The surroundings are exemplified in one of the photos Rebecca has named "Glory" (the photo site will be set up soon).

Our next stop was the Grand Canyon. We were astounded by how many people were there. The views from the South Rim truly were grandiose. Though we tried, we were not able to descend into the canyon. Turning to the depths of the canyon, we shouted, "WE WILL RETURN." Actually, we didn't, but in our hearts we did.

That was Arizona.

1 comment:

Jess $ said...

And that's why you always leave a note!