Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Up and Running

It has taken way too long to get this blog even set up. Do to the delay, there is a good deal of filling in to be done to bring you up to speed with what has been going on. So we will quickly work from the beginning to the present.

Rebecca and I quit our jobs in Athens, Georgia in July in order to take a few months to work on organic farms in the Pacific Northwest through a network called WWOOF (an acronym for either Willing Workers On Organic Farms or World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms). These farms can range in activities from producing wine, to sheering sheep, to self-sustained hippie communes, to a typical farm with plants and animals. Though there is rarely any monetary pay for the work of "WWOOFers", hosts provide most meals and shelter. Shelter is most of the time a tent, restored trailer or barn, tree house, teepee, or an extra room in the house.

During our time WWOOFing around, we intend to gain experience through meeting and interacting with people of different cultures. We also hope to learn skills and knowledge that apply to the type of work we may be doing, and to grow as a Gospel-centered couple encountering truths of the Word of God continually revealed in our marriage, exemplified through interactions with men and women across the nation, and magnificently discovered in the wonder and varied beauty of creation.

Certainly, there are many people who may believe what Rebecca and I are doing is foolish, ridiculous, and a waste of time and money. They may be right. However, we are encouraged by our families and friends who have pressed us to believe we would be foolish and wasting time and money if we did not take this time to go, grow, and explore.

So far we are excited and having an incredible if not surreal time. It is strange to be in a place you would have never imagined actually encountering first hand. Pray for our safety as we travel. Thanks for caring.


Sid's Owner said...

Okay - we are so glad you made this crazy plan while you can! Enjoy these days ... you are making life long memories and laughs - you'll look back forever with private jokes!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I am excited to keep up and read about your journeys here. miss y'all and I will call you soon because I have some fun stories!

Unknown said...

Can't believe I let you guys escape without a proper good-by. Just a note to wish you well and let you know that you have at least one geriatric friend who thinks your adventures and goals are worthy. Keep us posted.