Friday, October 17, 2008

There and Back Again

Well, we've called it quits. Time to pack it in and head home.

Having spent three months traveling and the majority of that doing manual labor without pay, Rebecca and I have made the decision to return back to the warm and welcoming southland. We learned a great deal about people, wolves, farming, chickens, travel, and each other all along our trip. This has been an experience that we are incredibly thankful to have been able to take and couldn't be more glad that we did. There may never be a time in our lives when she and I are able to spend three solid months in each other's company day in and out. So this was special.

If we could do it over, we might have gone to the farms in the spring time when the planting is going on so as to learn a little bit more about plowing, sowing, and all that. Rather we did a lot of harvesting and prep for next season. However, we definitely learned a lot and are excited to begin putting what we have learned to use in our own lives.

We plan to arrive back in Georgia on Saturday night (10/18). Rebecca and I will be living in Gainesville while weighing our "permanent" employment options.

Currently we are in Omaha, Nebraska having already traveled for two days. Along our way we stayed with Adam and Maggie Richards (we have a couple-crush on them) in Missoula, Montana which turns out to be a really cool town. Tonight, Brandon Addison and his freshly wedded wife Amy have agreed to put us up while we are passing through their neighborhood in St. Louis.

Thank you all for your encouragement along the way out there and back again.


Jess $ said...

so good that y'all had such a great time. I can't wait to see y'all!!

mlr said...

this is obviously a while after you posted this but i wanted you to know that we loved having you here. i have to agree that we wish we could spend more time with the two of you. it seems like you always have a couples crush on out of towners....bummer.

any ideas on where ya'll are headed?